We Blijven Lachen (1981-1982 throughout theaters and festivals
throughout Holland)
(we keep laughing)
Written and directed by Frus Theatergroup
Co-actors: Wouter Brave, Femmy van Pelt, Marianne van der Staaij, Edith Andriesse, Rudolphine Backer, Fako Kluiving
Hidden theater street quiz where passersbys are invited to join a funny street quiz with attractive prices. It turns out that the quiz is not happy at all and the game ends in turmoil and despair.
Commissioned by Amnesty International. Theme: Human Rights
(we keep laughing)
Written and directed by Frus Theatergroup
Co-actors: Wouter Brave, Femmy van Pelt, Marianne van der Staaij, Edith Andriesse, Rudolphine Backer, Fako Kluiving
Hidden theater street quiz where passersbys are invited to join a funny street quiz with attractive prices. It turns out that the quiz is not happy at all and the game ends in turmoil and despair.
Commissioned by Amnesty International. Theme: Human Rights